Just past some of the not-so-funny and mediocre jokes about being a jew are a few quotes I enjoyed in Plotts'.
- "God pays as much attention to the stitching as any contestant on Project Runway". While I was reading this part of the text in Exodus I could not help but think the same thing. I understand that God wants Moses and his people to create this lavish and extremely detailed tabernacle but come on. I question that these people who barely have food or water can produce a pomegranate. I understand the principle of the tabernacle, as it is a place where they are to make pure their citizens and worship God, but lines and lines of attention to detail is a bit dramatic. Which also leads me to believe, like Plott, that the editor or author of exodus maybe had seen the tabernacle and was simple describing it in its entirety.
- This book (numbers) is the work of a single tribe at war with everyone around it. The book of numbers so far has been somewhat interesting. The crap that these Isrealites are going through to make it to the promise land is bewildering. If I were an Isrealite, I too would be wishing that I was left in Egypt to be a slave instead of existing in a world where everyday was unpredictable and battle was inevitable...or maybe some, or all of these crazy shindigs that the Israelites have been doomed to experience did not happen whatsoever.....but it does make a hell of a story.
Well I shall be back later with more thoughts about Numbers.
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